Using the Console

Green Stack Console is a unified, web-based application where you configure and manage buildings connected to Green Stack using a computer, laptop, phone, or tablet.

The console URL is

Compatible Browsers

We recommend that you use the most up-to-date browser that's compatible with your operating system or device. The latest version of the following browsers (mobile and desktop) are officially supported:

  • Microsoft Edge

  • macOS Safari

  • Google Chrome

  • Mozilla Firefox

Please Note

  • The console is only available via HTTP/S

  • JavaScript must be enabled in your browser

  • The console is not compatible with Internet Explorer

Basic Console Layout

The console consists of three basic elements:

Application Shell

The shell contains the global application header and main navigation. These elements are always visible. The primary view content is displayed in the content area.

As the name implies, the header is a static UI element available at all times. The header contains the Green Stack logo, the current module path, action buttons for searching, commanding, and getting help, and the user account menu.

Keyboard Shortcuts


F1, Ctrl + ?

Open Help Panel

Ctrl + /

Open Command Prompt

F1, Ctrl + ?

Switch User

Ctrl + ,

System Preferences

Last updated


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