Users & Access Control

You can view and manage the users who have access to your Green Stack tenant account using the User Accounts section of Platform Configuration.

User Accounts

To view and manage user accounts:

  1. Login to the Green Stack Console and navigate to Platform Administration

  2. Select Users & Roles from the sidebar

Invite a new user

To add a new user to your Green Stack account:

  1. Click New User

  2. Provide the user's First Name, Last Name, and Email Address

  3. Optionally, you may also provide the user's Job Title and Employee ID

  4. Select an Assigned Site for the new user from the dropdown

  5. Click Save User to send the invitation

Responding to an Invitation

To activate your account when you receive an invitation:

  1. Click Activate My Account in the email you received

  2. When prompted in your browser, create a new Counterbalance ID account by providing your email address and a secure password

  3. Your account will be activated

Password Requirements

New Counterbalance ID accounts must meet these criteria:

  • At least eight characters

  • At least three of the following:

    • Lowercase letters (a-z)

    • Uppercase letters (A-Z)

    • Numbers (0-9)

    • Special characters (e.g. !@#$%^&*)

  • No more than two identical characters in a row

Updating a User Account

To update an existing user account:

  1. Navigate to Users & Roles

  2. Select the User from the user listing

  3. Click the pencil icon to open the editor

  4. Update any fields as desired

  5. Click Save to save the changes

Last updated


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